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How to effectively utilize social media platforms

Law Ad Network

Dec 11, 2020


If you have read my earlier blog on social media for the legal industry, you might be convinced of the necessity to have a social media account for your law firm. However, just having one is not enough, you would need to constantly post contents. It is easier said than done. The Legal industry in general have to be careful when posting content. So, how can you effectively use the social media platform and what kind of contents should you be posting?

1. Consistency

Consistency is very important when it comes to posting on social media platforms. The last think you want is to have your followers to unfollow you. Just imagine a prospective client is googling your firm or your service and lands up in your page and the posts on your page are old, it is very unlikely that it will inspire confidence in the minds of your page visitors. If you have a content plan or a schedule that you can update monthly, the post can be scheduled to be posted across different platform in a consistent manner. It will also give you a good idea on what you can post throughout the month instead of searching for what to post each time.

2. Blogs and Updates

Once you have decided you are going to consistently post and engage with your audience, the next question is what to share on social media. A great idea is to share blogs from your website. There might also be updates on law relating to your specialization. Case wins, reported cases, new hires all can be interesting to post. You can also share news articles that are relevant to law or that might be interesting for your audience.

3. Jokes and Memes

Perhaps the group of people who enjoy lawyer jokes the most are lawyers themselves. Although the law is no joke, it is good to show your clients you can laugh at yourselves and possess a good sense of humor.

4. Personal Post

Giving a human touch to the law firm is a great idea. Most of the post which are personal in nature tends to receive the highest level of engagement. In our experience we have noticed that the more personal the post is, the higher the level of engagement. It can be something you or your colleagues at law firms does like team outings, firm retreats etc.

5. Infographics

Since Social media is highly visual, posts that showcase images has a much higher rate of engagement than all other types of post (save for perhaps video posts). Revealing interesting statistics and infographic content can be a gamechanger for your law firm’s promotion. Use programs like Canva, Typorama or even photoshop for producing creative contents.

6. Communicate and engage with your target audience

You should not treat social media as your mouth piece, social media marketing works effectively only if you are able to have an effective engagement with your audience. Responding to comments, answering questions, responding to feedback are all there to show that you are always accessible and ready to help.

7. Frequency of posting

A common question for law firms is how often should a law firm or legal tech firm be posting. A suggesting is to have up to 5 posts per week, but then it depends on the type of practice as well. For some law firms even 2 posts per week is perfectly fine. But for law firms that need an active social media presence at least one post per working day is a good rule of thumb. You can also test this yourself to see how much engagement is there based on the posting you do.

What should a law firm not be posting?

It is absolutely essential you are only posting contents relevant to your practice or connected to law. It is also very important not post content that can be construed or interpreted as legal advice. It goes without saying that disclaimers are clearly included in your posts. While political post or discussion on entertainment might increase your engagement, they might not be the kind you want to promote and it could also dilute your audience group bringing in irrelevant followers to your page or profile.

Social media promotion for law firms is a long term game which requires consistency. Results do take some time to come but if you consistently follow the above tips, you are likely to get good results. If you would like us to help you with your social media marketing get in touch with us to get your strategy for social media marketing.